The Moral Limits of What, Exactly?
Agmon, Shai. “The Moral Limits of What, Exactly?.” Economics and Philosophy (2024) (online version).
Agmon, Shai. “The Moral Limits of What, Exactly?.” Economics and Philosophy (2024) (online version).
Agmon, Shai. “Two Concepts of Competition.” Ethics 133, no.1 (2022).
Sharon, Assaf & Agmon, Shai. “Justice and the Market”, in A. Dorfman and A. Harel (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Privatization (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Levi, Yonatan & Agmon, Shai. “Beyond culture and economy: Israel’s security-driven populism.” Contemporary Politics 27, no. 3 (2021).
Agmon, Shai. “Undercutting Justice–Why Legal Representation Should Not Be Allocated by the Market.” Politics, Philosophy & Economics 20, no.1 (2021).
Agmon, Shai & Hitchens, Matt. “Prioritarianism: A (Pluralist) Defence.” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 15, no.1 (2019)
Agmon, Shai. “Could Present Laws Legitimately Bind Future Generations? A Normative Analysis of the Jeffersonian Model.” Intergenerational Justice Review 9, no. 2 (2016)
Shai Agmon (Project Manager and Contributing Writer), ‘Dangerous Delusions – The Misconception that Led to the Catastrophe of October 7’, December 2023. Molad, the Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy and Berl Katznelson Center.
Shai Agmon (Project Manager and Contributing Writer), ‘Dangerous Delusions – The Misconception that Led to the Catastrophe of October 7’, December 2023. Molad, the Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy and Berl Katznelson Center.
Shai Agmon and Assaf Sharon, ‘The Liberal Proposal for Judicial Reform in Israel’, March 2023, Molad, the Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy [Hebrew].
Shai Agmon and Noam Gidron, July 2022, “To the Left?”, Liberal Magazine [Hebrew]
Shai Agmon, September 2021, “Returning to the State of Nature: The Hidden Deviousness within the Texas Abortion Law”, Oxford Political Review.
Yonatan Levi and Shai Agmon, June 2021, “Peace Now, Peace Later, Peace Never – On the ideological Convergence of the Israeli Left”, Molad, the Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy [Hebrew]
Shai Agmon and Avishay Ben Sasson-Gordis, July 2020, “Road Map”, Telem Magazine [Hebrew]
Shai Agmon, January 2020, A Book Review on Yoram Hazony’s “The Virtue of Nationalism”[Hebrew]